Sunday 2 October 2011

Aim for the moon, Shoot for The Star !

It’s all about one of my dreams. Went to my cousin’s wedding dinner at The Royale Chulan Hotel , which is located at KL town which is very near to Pavilion last Sunday ( 25 September 2011 ). It was so beautiful. This is my second times attending such a grand wedding dinner. A Porsche was used as a wedding carriage. 76 tables were served in a grand ballroom. The first scene was the guess lounge. Everyone dressed so good that it made the whole mood very formal. All the ladies were dressed in a sexy designer gowns and the men were suited up in coats. I was the young lady in black with a red bag and brown heels. We were served cocktail before the wedding dinner start and everyone was using this opportunity to rekindle long lost family bonding time. During this time, I was like targeted by my busy body uncles and aunties who asked me a bunch of silly questions that I have ever heard of. They were like grabbing the chance and kept bombarding me. Those questions gave me no chance to retort for myself.  Not only me but my parents was also be the subject of them too. Those uncles and aunties keep asking my parents how was the decision and they said they wanted to make a reservation on me for their son. I’m standing and sweating there. One of my aunty asked me in a very straight forward style. She straigt away ask “ Did I have boyfriend now or I’m single? “ She made me sweat. I was screaming hardly inside my heart. I kept shouting “oh my god” without anyone heard it.  Haha. After this cocktail session, everyone was invited and seated in the grand ballroom. The chandelier in the ballroom hanging up on the ceiling lighted up the atmosphere like the moon shining in the night sky. It was so pretty. The music played and the bride and bridegroom walked in. This scene was so romantic and I was busy taking lots and lots photo of them. They made me turned on my dream mode. There were 8 course meal and the dish after dish they served were fit for a king. Just looking at it is enough to make your mouth water. Maybe you all will feel like it is a bit too exaggerating but what I said is the truth. A live band was invited to play all the songs and music for the whole wedding dinner and “The Rhythm of Love “ was the major song that played during the night. It was so romantic! During the whole wedding dinner, I was in the world of my own. How I wish I do have this chance to have this type of grand wedding dinner in the future time. Red wine, Whisky and many more liquor were served. My mummy dun drink alcohol but she got forced by her cousin brothers ( my uncles )! It was really funny. My mummy cant drink and she will easily get drunk. BUT my uncles purposely force her to drink and they say made this as the very first time for my mummy to drunk! I cant stop laughing sitting next to my daddy. And of course my daddy was so protective and he helped my mummy to drink. That scene made me feel so warm and my heart was melted by my daddy looking at how protective he is!
This wedding dinner seems like more to family gathering because some of my aunties and uncles came from London and we didn’t meet up for long time already. How I wish I will find one same like my daddy. He is just so perfect to me. He willing to do anything or sacrifice anything for my mummy just to make her happy. =) The wedding dinner ended at about eleven at night and all of us went home. We did took a lot of photos and keep it as a memories because sometimes we might forgot the memories in our mind but photos will help us to remember every single part of it! This is the uses of a camera. *SMILE*

By iCryN =)
p.s I didnt know what to blog about so I blog about what I had attented last Sunday =)

1 comment:

  1. wow.nice party.share with us the sure you looked great in that black dress =D
