Wednesday 30 November 2011

An Evening On the Beach!

Night was falling. The setting sun’s red rays lit up the sky above the western horizon. I could see an oil tanker making its way across the sea just on the horizon.

Soon the sun disappeared below the horizon and the sky turned dark but my two friends and I sat on the beach gazing at the place where the sun went down. Sunsets are mesmerizing as we discovered. Only when the mosquitoes started coming in great number were we brought back to reality.

We picked ourselves up and walked towards a small pile of wood that we had made earlier. In the dark we could just make out shadows. My friend Francis had a torchlight. He switched it on to show the way.

The night creatures were already busy with their activities. On our left where the land was, I could hear the shrill cries of the cicadas and other insects. On our right the waves broke gently on the shore sending up sprays of phosphorescent surf.

The sounds and sights of nature were wonderful. The noise of occasional traffic along a road nearby was the only blemish to the otherwise perfect natural surroundings. The three of us were perhaps the only other blemishes. We had the torchlight on and soon we were going to light a bonfire.

Nevertheless I proceeded to pour some kerosene onto the pile of wood and put a match to it. Slowly but steadily the fire grew. Soon we were basking in the orange glow of the bonfire. Salleh, my other friend, brought out the snacks and drinks from a bag. We had come to the beach to relax and enjoy ourselves.

A bonfire can be mesmerizing too and so we spent a good two hours eating, drinking, talking and singing around it. A number of people appeared and we invited them to share in our little revelry. We did not know any of them, but it did not matter. All I knew was that we enjoyed ourselves in the warm glow of the bonfire which was a far cry from the cold stares of people on an ordinary street.

However all good things must come to an end. The fire slowly died down and darkness regained its mastery. We said goodbye to our visitors and cleaned up the fireplace.

Then we walked along the shoreline towards where Salleh had parked his car. Crabs both large and small scurried away at our approach. A gentle breeze rustled among the coconut palms. The black sky was full of glistening stars. It felt good to be alive.

Finally we reached the car. We dumped our things in the boot and got into the car ourselves. Salleh started the car and soon we were headed home after spending a wonderful evening on the beach.

my Last Holiday!

During my last school holidays, I spent a few days at my cousin’s houseat Morib, a well-known sea resort. I shall never forget that visit.

On the day I arrived at Morib, my cousin told me that he would do to make my stay there a very interesting one. He said that he would make a raft to use it in the sea. Then he would buy fishing net to catch some fish in the shallow water near the coast. When I heard all this, I was very delighted because it was one of the reasons that I had decided to visit my cousin. We then walked up to the beach which is near his house.

While we were there, sometime in the evening, the sea looked extremely beautiful. I saw the islands and hills in the distance, the birds in the air, and a few boys and girls playing on the beach. I also saw some fishermen coming out of the water with their catch. All this was indeed very interesting to look at.

On the next day, my cousin and I collected some tree trunks from the forest nearby. As my cousin’s house is close to the sea, we decided to make the raft on the beach itself. It took us almost the whole morning to make the raft. We then had our lunch and went to Banting, the nearest town, to buy fishing net. After that we returned to my cousin’s house.

In the evening we put the raft on the sea. The water was still high, but the raft floated quite well. My cousin and I sat on it and began to row it by using the oars that we had made ourselves. We felt very happy indeed and continued to row it. We remained on it for a long time, but as it was already getting dark we did not go far. We returned to the shore and tied the raft to a tree.

On the next day, we went out to catch some crabs and fish. We used the net that we had bought and caught a lot of fish. Then, we had our lunch and went out again on the raft. We continued to row it as far as we could. It was really a pleasure to be away from the shore. The sea was calm and we could row with ease. My cousin told me many interesting things about Morib. We then returned to the shore.

In this way, I spent my holidays happily at Morib, a place I shall never forget.

TAlk about My New Friend....

When the school reopened after the mid-year school holidays, we had a new classmate. Her name is Cheng Siew Hong and she has emigrated with her family from Hong Kong to Singapore.

The class was excited and I was too because she happened to sit next to me. My form teacher told us to make her feel at ease with us. Siew Hong is a cheerful-looking girl and an active athlete. She runs fast, swims well and even takes part in high-jump competitions. Siew Hong and I soon became very good friends because of our common interest in sports. We never run out of topics to talk about. We have lots of fun together, both in class and out on the field. I help Siew Hong cope with the Englishlanguage while she helps me out with the Chinese language.

Since this was the first time she has been in Singapore, the class decided to bring Siew Hong to some of the local tourist attractions like Sentosa and Botanic Garden. We also brought her to Satay Club fitted into the class in no time. She is glad to join our class and we are glad to have her as a new friend.

My Best Friend!

I have many friends of several races. But my best friend is a Chinese boy whose name is Ah Chong.

Ah Chong’s father is a carpenter. His mother looks after their small shop. They are very hard-working people. They are also very kind to me.

We are in the same class. He sometimes helps me in my lessons. I too sometimes help him to understand and learn a few difficult lessons.

After school, Ah Chong and I play some games. Sometimes we go out to catch some fish or birds which we really enjoy catching. We often return home very late after our hunting trips and our parents scold us severely. But Ah Chong and I are so interested in this kind of hunting that we cannot give it up.

The happiest Day In my Life

It was Prize-presentation Day. I was chosen to be the model student of the year on the recommendation of my teachers and classmates. I was happy that they thought so well of me.

When I went up the stage to collect the prestigious medal and cash award, I was filled with pride and joy. All my teachers and friends congratulated me warmly. My parents beamed widely. They were very proud of me.

After the prize-giving ceremony, my parents brought me to a ‘Toys-R-Us’ shop. There, they bought me a remote-controlled model aircraft as a reward for being such a good student. I was overjoyed because I had wanted the model for a long time.

In extremely good moods, we proceeded to MacDonalds for dinner. We had Big macs, French fries, milk-shakes and my favorire chicken Mcnuggets.

That night, I played with my model aircraft before going to bed. For once, my puppy was allowed to sleep with me since it was such a special day. Even the night was filled with sweet dreams. It was probably the happiest day in my life.

My First Trip to Universal Studios!

Before I start, be forewarn that this post is extremely photo-intensive! So, let the story begins. Last Friday was one of the most anticipated day in recent years because I went Universal Studios Singapore with my mum and Sissy! I have been telling people around me how excited I was because it’s the first time I am visiting a theme park in 22 years of my life. The main attraction, Battlestar Galactica was closed since the day before. As I wasn’t planning to take the ride in the first place, I wasn’t too disappointed. Dayna is not a fan of thrilling rides because my fragile heart simply couldn’t take the suspense. I didn’t want to risk myself having a heart attack on any of the rides so roller coasters are a big no for me.

We arrived at about 9.30am and the place was pretty packed. I had not expected such a big crowd since it wasn’t a weekend or school holiday. I was very impressed with the architectures, buildings and design because they are gorgeous! I don’t feel like I’m in Singapore once I stepped into the park. The friendly staff directed our ways to collect the dining and shopping vouchers and we started our day via taking a picture with my favourite animal in the world – the famous Kungfu panda, Po. :love:

My first ride was the King Julien’s Beach Party-Go-Round which is basically just a ordinary Merry-Go-Round without the horses. You will find all kinds of characters in Madagascar on this ride. I love the penguins so I chose to ride with them! The ride was really slow so don’t worry about getting dizzy. The kids are having a really good time on this but for someone who has lived 2 decades on this earth, it was all right. The characters were adorable though. :)

I couldn’t get a full view of the castle because of the blue shelter built right in front of it. I remember seeing a photograph of it taken by my friend a few weeks ago and I’m pretty sure the blue shelter wasn’t there at that time. Perhaps it was built to cater to the queue. After taking the Enchanted Airways which is a small family roller coaster, we went to watch the Shrek 4D show. Frankly speaking, the pre-show talk was way too long. We were brought into this empty room with a few big screens right at the top. I had a stiff neck after looking up for 15 minutes during the pre-show talk. The grandma standing behind us was getting tired as well. Seriously, no seats? The screen is way too high up and the speech was terribly long. My anticipation for the show decreased by a fair bit after the long speech. My verdict of the show: it was mediocre. Just rocking seats, splashes of water and maybe some wind. The 3D effect wasn’t fantastic either.

With all the self control I had, I only bought 2 tees and a penguin clipboard + notepad. On the other hand, Sissy got a tee, pin and mousepad. I regretted not getting the mousepad. It’s really cute! Sissy’s going again next week so hopefully the stores will be open so that she can grab an extra for me. :) This concluded our day at Universal Studios Singapore. We didn’t manage to visit all the attractions due to time constraints. I wish the park would extend it’s opening hours till about 8 to 9 at night so that we’ve more time. Although I wasn’t too wow by the attractions, I had a rather enjoyable time. Maybe it’s my first time visiting a theme park, hence I don’t have a very high expectation.

Beauty of A Wedding Day

 Beauty brightens the wedding day
with purity of conduct at bay,
And innocence lies dormant now
marked by uncertainty on the brow.

A wedding, like a bell doth ring,
Attached to the heart with a string,
And ecstasy, dawning the eyes,
Reflects the marvel of the skies.

The vows taken on a wedding day by far,
like the sanctity of life and character are,
And the animation in the eyes more bright
than the moonlight on a tranquil night.  *SMILE*